Marle Women is created to celebrate our philosophy of designing pieces for women of all ages and stages of their lives. Each feature profiles a selection of women across the generations that we admire. We hope each interview inspires you, the same way in which these women do to us. 

It is a pleasure to introduce Ruby Hamilton. Marketing & Editorial Assistant and freelance stylist. Ruby wears the Hunter Shirt and Rosie Skirt. 


Name: Ruby Jayne Hamilton
Age: 22


Can you share a little bit about yourself, your background, upbringing and career? What aspects have contributed to the woman you are today?

I am currently based in Auckland and after finishing my Visual Arts degree started working as a Marketing and Editorial assistant for the Newmarket Business Association. I also do a bit of freelance styling in my spare time and have always been surrounded by fashion and beauty in some way or another. I grew up in Vanuatu where my Mum had hair and beauty salons and I think the women that were around me growing up had a large influence on me when it comes to my interest in clothing. We have always lived close to the beach and the laid-back lifestyle that goes alongside it has fed into my own style as well.

How would you describe your personal style? Has it always been this way or has it evolved over the years? How?

For the most part my style is practical and fairly pared back. I love a relaxed look and more often than not will choose a pair of sandals or slides over anything else, weather permitting.

I’ve always loved getting dressed and from a very young age my parents said I was a big fan of always making sure my bags and shoes matched (what does a four-year-old even need a handbag for?!) As I have gotten older, my style has definitely evolved and I think working in the fashion industry, I’ve been lucky enough to understand the importance of investing in local brands and pieces that are made to last and styles that can stand the test of time.

Have you always been confident in your style, or is it something one learns with age?   

I’d say I am more confident in my style now more than ever. I know what I like and I put more effort into finding garments from local designers that I absolutely love and make me feel myself rather than chasing trends. But in saying that, I rediscovered an old photo the other day of 4-year-old me wearing a pink crop top and sarong skirt co-ord that made me think I might need to visit the tiny-top trend this Summer…


"I’d say I am more confident in my style now more than ever. I know what I like and I put more effort into finding garments from local designers that I absolutely love and make me feel myself rather than chasing trends"


What do you love most about wearing Marle? How does it make you feel?

I feel most myself in my Marle pieces, they make my feel comfortable and confident, feminine and practical all at once.

What is your take on a personal ritual?  Do you have any rituals when getting dressed each morning?

A personal ritual is something that allows for a small portion of the day to be for no one else but yourself. For me, this is my skin care routine each morning and night. It’s the perfect way to slow down, check in and reset.

What conversations do you wish more people were having day to day?

I wish we gave ourselves more space for self-reflection, to sit with what we enjoy about life and what makes us really happy. Rather than what we think we should be doing or how we should be living our lives. 

What do you wish people were more aware of? Is there something you wish was discussed more openly?

It’s easy to get caught up in our own lives, so I wish we were all a little more aware of the people around us. Everyone is going through something in one way or another so I wish we all talked about it a bit more.

What is a piece of personal wisdom that you carry with you?

Back yourself, always.


Quick fire questions:

Most treasured accessory? My Meadowlark signet pinky ring, I purchased it as a little reminder to always back myself. I wear it every day.

Texture or colour? Texture

Spring/ Summer or Autumn/Winter? Spring/Summer. Always.


 Follow Ruby at @rubyjhamilton and shop the Hunter Shirt and Rosie Skirt here.