Please share a little bit about yourself, your upbringing and any defining moments that lead you to where you are today…

I grew up in Auckland, New Zealand in an apartment above my mum’s photographic studio. Photography was part of life growing up and I loved seeing prints come to life in the darkroom. The process of photography and that way of seeing the world has been ingrained in me from an early age, Mum took so many beautiful photos of us growing up. I always remember just being in awe of the process.

You were born in New Zealand but moved to Australia as an 18 year old. What motivated this move and how did Sydney differ from life in New Zealand?

I moved over to study Fine Arts at COFA in Sydney. I really loved living in New Zealand but it was nice to broaden my horizons and experience a different place straight after school.

As a photographer, you have an incredible eye for balance and control, contrast and tone. Is this a signature that has developed over time?

I think I’m always searching for simplicity in my work, refining my style and also stripping away what’s superfluous. Photography is a collaboration between yourself and the subject and building a natural rapport. I like to have an idea of what I hope to achieve at the start of the day visually, but also let the nuances guide me. I think it’s beautiful when the subject isn’t overly posed so there’s natural gestures and expression coming through.

Your mother and sister are also photographers. What have you learned from them and how are you different?

I think I absorbed a lot from Mum just by watching her on sets when I was younger. I remember when I was studying photography and started to shoot more for myself, she taught me to really consider what I was trying to say with my photographs and to stay true to that. My sister has a beautiful style to her work as well. We’re all different in our own ways.

What could you spend all day talking about?

Lots of things! Depends on who I’m with!

You’ve worked on many incredible shoots and projects all over the world. Is there one that stands out for you?

Photographing for World Vision in Uganda and The Kimberley was a really unique and special experience. 



What inspires you?

Inspiration can come from anywhere. I’m always inspired by nature but it can be as simple as seeing something in a book or a conversation with someone. 

How would you describe your own personal style and how has this changed over the years?

My style is definitely relaxed and minimal. I always have a few key pieces on high rotation.

At Marle, we design with intention and focus on natural pieces that will become staples in a woman’s wardrobe. What key pieces make up your wardrobe?

I have the beautiful Pippa Dress which I love, so it's easy to dress up or down. Some of the pants are great too for everyday, I'm currently wearing the Imogen Pant on repeat. I find the pieces really easy to transition between work and heading out.


Quick Fire Questions

Texture or colour?


Summer or winter?


Most treasured accessory?

My dad gifted me a watch of his for my birthday when I was younger, so I would definitely say that’s one treasured accessory for sure.

Currently listening to… I always have different music on the go, it really comes down to what mood I’m in!

Intention in this moment?

To be present


Kelly Wears